CAM2PC - Press room
Digital Photo (France) - November and December 2004
Digital Photo first published a first full page review of cam2pc 4.4. Same score as in the previous review with the same bad points: lack of real search tool. That was fixed in version 4.5.
But Digital Photo seemed to like the software more than this review could reveal as the month after, they published a 3 page guide to cam2pc titled "20 tips for a good start with cam2pc". The guide is very complete and details almost every aspect of the software. The author even took care to list all the keyboard shortcuts of cam2pc in a clean and convenient table!.
Photo & Vidéo Numérique (France) - October 2004
Photo & Vidéo Numérique published a full page review of cam2pc 4.4. The score obtained was 7.5 out of 10 but the price was wrongly stated: €35 instead of €25. Bad points were lack of french documentation and lack of search tool, both issues have been fixed since (in version 4.5).
PC Open (Italy) - January 2004
PC Open, an italian magazine, dedicated a full page to cam2pc. Although the magazine was talking of cam2pc as a freeware, most of the features described in the article (albums, slideshow creation, web galleries...) are only available in the Shareware Edition. Of couse, cam2pc (Freeware) was also included on the cover CD.
TechTV (USA) - December 2003
cam2pc was featured on TechTV's "Call for Help" on December 8, 2003! Once again, the ease of use of cam2pc was the key point of the review. The Image Downloader part was the most noticed whereas the Image Browser was described "as good as any you may currently be using". The review concerned the Freeware Edition of cam2pc.
Computer Easy (Germany) - July 2003
cam2pc was the main recommendation as a freeware tool for digital imaging. Following were Irfanview and Vallen Jpegger. The article also featured a short guide to setup the Image Downloader of cam2pc.
Micro Pratique (France) - April 2003
cam2pc was ranked first in a comparative review of freeware image viewers. The competitors were Irfanview, SlowView and XnView. cam2pc version 3.0 was reviewed and some of the negative comments were already fixed in the 3.1 version which was released at the same time than the magazine.
As the review is in French here is a quick summary: cam2pc was appreciated because it was simple to use and had useful features for digital camera owners (best EXIF support for instance). The fullscreen viewing brought the best image quality and cam2pc was still fast (altough SlowView was the fastest). Lack of contact sheets printing was the main con.