
This is the software that the professionals should have included with the cameras we bought.


It is my experience that many of the free programs are superior. [...] cam2pc (digital camera software) replaced Fuji's software.


I have tried or evaluated most software of this type over the months. None of them, and I mean NONE, offer the richness of functionality for the price that cam2pc offers and it's superbly reliable. I enjoy using it - makes using my digital cam a joy!


CAM2PC - Download

Download cam2pc 4.6.2 Shareware Edition (30-day trial): click one of the links below to start downloading the self-extracting installation package

[English] setup cam2pc 4.6.2
English Version, .EXE, 5250 Kb
Main download site
[French] setup cam2pc 4.6.2
French version, .EXE, 5277 Kb
Main download site
[Deutsch] setup cam2pc 4.6.2
German version, .EXE, 5109 Kb
Main download site

Mirror sites for the english version

Canon cameras support files (only required if you own a Canon digital camera)

Download localized resource files for cam2pc