Strange informations in the list view

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

Strange informations in the list view

Postby smitty » Sun Jul 15, 2007 9:41 am

I have all .jpg images in my folders, all of the same camera. But going to the list view of cam2pc only a part of them is of type \"JPEG\". Another part is named \"cam2pc Image File\". What might be the reason for this different type?

For some folders the EXIF-date/time is not showing up. If I take al look at the window with the EXIF-metadata (Ctrl-E) both the DateTimeOriginal and the DateTimeDigitized are correct. Why can\'t I see the date in the list view?

Looking at those strange effects I am a little bit doubtful if cam2pc is really the right program for me.
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