pb session in Nabopoll-12 ?

a complete ready to use php survey system

pb session in Nabopoll-12 ?

Postby kck » Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:16 am

hello everybody (excuse-me for my english, i\'m french),

i\'ve changed my server and, after that, my Nabopoll have some problems.
Several choices :
1 - on the third choices of my poll, i\'ve this message :

Warning: session_destroy(): Session object destruction failed in C:\\Serveur_WEB\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\htdocs\\nabopoll-12\\record.php on line 155

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\\Serveur_WEB\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\htdocs\\nabopoll-12\\record.php:155) in C:\\Serveur_WEB\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\htdocs\\nabopoll-12\\survey.inc.php on line 59

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\\Serveur_WEB\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\htdocs\\nabopoll-12\\record.php:155) in C:\\Serveur_WEB\\Apache Group\\Apache2\\htdocs\\nabopoll-12\\survey.inc.php on line 60

2 - if i try again, the system send me directly to the third choices of my poll
3 - i\'ve three polls on my database (under easyphp), if i poll one time on one poll (!!??!!), on the second poll, the system return me a message which says that i\'ve polled.
Excuse-me again for my langage and if you can help me, it will be so cool.
thanks for all.
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Joined: Mon Sep 19, 2005 10:10 am

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