Annoying renaming bug (4.5.2)

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Annoying renaming bug (4.5.2)

Postby cmagic » Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:40 pm


I just found the logic behind an annoying bug that was puzzling me for the few last weeks.
I use a lot the function \"Transfer based on mask\" to move and rename files around using my own naming convention. I noticed that with some files it did not work as expected and instead produced duplicate filenames which is exactly what I want to avoid. At first I thought it was because I was using .png and .gif files then I noticed it had to do something with the names.

Ok to cut a sory short I discovered that cam2pc transfer/rename function will produce duplicates filenames when the original filenames contains the same numeric sequences somewhere. In other words, filename containing the same (exact) numeric values will be given the same name.

Let\'s put all this into practice :
Let\'s set the Transfer/File Renaming option with the simple rule : %F. I\'m just asking cam2pc to transfer my files in some other directory.
Now I have a CD or an other directory with the following files:
Selecting those files and using the \"Transfer based on Mask\" command will produces the following results :
DSC_1225 (1).jpg
DSC_1225 (2).jpg
The content of the file is correct, only the filenames are wrong (except from the first in the selection)

If you have 2 files, say img_0005 and Hi_5_Folks, it will be the same (contained numeric value is 5).

I did not find any workaround for this problem. The only one is to make sure that the files you are about to rename with cam2pc do not contain identical numeric values embedded in their filenames.

Hope it can be solved easily.

Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 11:13 pm
Location: Paris, France

Postby cmagic » Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:20 pm

Hi Christian, how r u doing ?

Well I finally found a workaround for this bug. I simply replaced all decimal numbers by their roman counterparts (e.g 24 becomes XXIV) :D

More seriously there is a better workaround, I found out that the standard batch rename function (F2) was unaffected by the previously described bug. So the trick is to rename files with F2 before they get transfered based on mask !

That\'s all folks !

Posts: 14
Joined: Mon Oct 13, 2003 11:13 pm
Location: Paris, France

could be the same as this...

Postby freddycam » Sun Oct 02, 2005 2:24 pm

I haven't come across the problem you describe, but this bug could be related to one I posted earlier at

The pattern of resulting names seems similar.

I hope this gets fixed soon. Although I am eagerly waiting for 5.0 to support multiple download parameters in profiles, I'd rather have these niggly things fixed, before new features introduce new bugs, and old ones get forgotten about.

Posts: 5
Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:36 pm

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