Vista Says No!
Vista is stopping c2p from running, under its rules:
I\'ve just installed c2p on Vista HP and as a good Vista citizen I\'m running it as a limited user. When it starts, c2p throws up its splash graphic - but then Vista puts up a security question. !
Trouble is - c2p\'s splash graphic stays on top of the security warning and I can\'t approve c2p in the warning. !!! Arrrrrgh.
And I don\'t seem to be able to move either aside. A dozen times now c2p has closed after my keystroke guesses. If I click on the graphic the area goes black - and I still can\'t access the permission warning.
For a program with third-point (4.6.1) updates, over a year after Vista\'s public release, this shouldn't be happening.
I\'ve got religion, from Vista, and I\'m now not running anything as Admin.
How good is this?
How to fix?
[What`s happening with apostrophes here..?]