Runtime Error on Advanced Rename

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Runtime Error on Advanced Rename

Postby Dianne » Wed Mar 14, 2007 5:47 am

I downloaded 4.6.0 this evening and installed it over 4.5.3; Dell destop, WinXP Pro; lots of memory. It seemed to install fine. I\'ve looked through several folders of images, tried a number of various functions with no apparent problems. Then, I tried Image>Advanced renaming -- it generates a runtime error and shuts the program down. The folder contains jpgs from a Nikon D200; some with the original file names; some have been edited and have had the names changed. It doesn\'t seem to matter if I have no images selected, 1 image selected, or several images selected. It generates the runtime error dialog box and shuts down on OK. Same thing happens when I look at a different folder; everything seems fine until I try Image>Advanced renaming.
Any ideas?? Thanks in advance.
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Re: Runtime Error on Advanced Rename

Postby mri » Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:42 pm

Dianne wrote:I downloaded 4.6.0 this evening and installed it over 4.5.3. /.../ Then, I tried Image>Advanced renaming -- it generates a runtime error and shuts the program down.

The same happened to me a couple of month ago with 4.5.2. The advanced renaming was working normal in 4.5.2 and I used it a lot (for regular renaming pictures after camera n x 10000 shots). Then, the advanced renaming just stopped to work and gives the same runtime error and shuts the program down as described above.
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Postby nabocorp » Tue Apr 03, 2007 8:45 pm


can you tell me the renaming mask you are using?

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RE: runtime error on Advanced Renaming

Postby Dianne » Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:06 pm

The mask that I usually use is:

to get a result like 20070403-001-3576.jpg where the 3576 is the numerical part of the original filename from the camera (e.g., DSC_3576).

Sometimes, I use %Y5m%d-%{num:3}-custom description.%e where \"custom description\" is text describing the images or the shoot.

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