Great job!/Feature request

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

Great job!/Feature request

Postby smithcferg » Tue Jan 13, 2004 8:15 pm


As a long-time user of cam2pc, I want to compliment you on the growth of the software. You have frequently and consistently improved the product, and presented it in a professional manner and with good documentation. You have listened to your users as they have presented feature requests. I am impressed - there are more than a few companies that could learn lessons from this.

Occasionally I see a post from those who wish there was no shareware version - I disagree. A good workman is worthy of his hire. My wife and I are gladly going to the shareware version when we can rub the nickels together.

There are two feature requests I would like to ask for, I think they are important. Both deal with the image downloader:

Sometimes I don't get enough visual information from the picture that is presented with the image downloader to know how to describe the folder. The preview picture is small enough that it can be hard to make out detail.
1. Can you have an option to increase this picture to larger sizes?
2. Sometimes there isn't enough useful info in the preview picture to know how to describe the folder even if the picture is bigger. For example, perhaps the picture in the preview is very dark or completely black. Could you have a field that would indicate "1/13", for instance, for 13 pictures of the same date, with a button next to it that when pressed, would show other preview pics of the same date? (Some web pages use this kind of programming to run through a manual slideshow of n pictures - 1/n, 2/n, 3/n . . . n/n)

"Opinions Not Asked For."
Hope you don't mind . . . Please continue to stay away from redundant stuff which everyone else is doing and focus on the unique - which is what has placed cam2pc ahead of the pack from the start. All the common photo packages have similar features. I'm sure there are more ways that cam2pc can grow in downloading/organizing/storing/finding as people continue more and more to use their computers as digital shoeboxes. Just my two cents.

Thanks again for your great product!

Posts: 9
Joined: Mon Dec 02, 2002 8:25 am

Postby nabocorp » Wed Jan 14, 2004 10:07 am


thank you very much for all that you said. It is very nice to read this! As for your feature requests, I will surely look into them for 4.2!

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