Bug - read small jpeg uses all memory and stops responding

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

Bug - read small jpeg uses all memory and stops responding

Postby kwatson » Sat Jul 16, 2005 6:21 am

I'm helping on a website. Another guy took a picture with a Kodak DX7630, used MGI PhotoSuite to resize the picture smaller, then put it on a website. I downloaded the file. A sample URL is http://www.omyc.org/gallery/2005_07_10/07_100_0079.JPG

When cam2pc 4.5.2 tries to read this file - free memory immediately goes to zero and the program is unable to respond to anything. Before attempting to browse to a folder containing this downloaded picture memory was well over 200MB with cam2pc running.

It is possible this file has an invalid format but cam2pc should not use all of memory and stop responding.

Warning - unless you are nabacorp I strongly recommend to not try this bug out for yourself. It is very annoying to recover from. :(

More info - the following programs read this picture just fine: MS Photo Editor, MS PhotoDraw, Paint Shop Pro.
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