Viewing thumbnails in network has a bug ...

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

Viewing thumbnails in network has a bug ...

Postby dt1961 » Thu Jun 24, 2004 9:07 pm

cam2pc (shareware) works fine for me but today i found a nasty bug:

when you are working at a small home network without any problems you occasionally want to open a directory at another pc in your network for viewing thumbnails.

Yes, the directory is in access for everybody in our network and i can open the directory in cam2pc. But if you click on it you just see one thumbnail at a directory with 59 pictures, the rest of it just shows the icon for JPG. If there are just 3 pictures in the directory you see all thumbnails. Updating thumbnails doesn't help.

Maybe you can retrace.

Best regards
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