HELP - Update failed

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

HELP - Update failed

Postby mri » Sat Mar 10, 2007 5:07 pm

I have updated my Cam2PC (shareware) to 4.6 today.
After update, Cam2PC opens for a few seconds and then closes down without any message. It is just gone :(. I also tried to use cam2pc other way, just opening a jpg file from Windows Explorer. The file opens in cam2pc full-screen mode as before, but disappears after 1...2 sec without any message.
I reinstalled the new 4.6 version twice, but no changes. The Cam2PC is gone.

After that, I installed the older version I had before, 4.5.2, again. It is working now, but I cannot use my albums any more. The old text file "cam2pc.albums" is still existing, but it cannot be used by cam2pc any more.

Unfortunately, I need one of the the album files VERY quickly!

So I need quick recommendations, how to make my cam2pc.albums file available for cam2pc again. In which solder it has to be for cam2pc to be used, etc.
Also, what is wrong with ver 4.6 installation???

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Postby nabocorp » Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:09 pm


a few people are experiencing the same problem with 4.6 but for the moment I am unable to reproduce. Hopefully I will find a solution and release a fix soon. Meanwhile, cam2pc 4.6 moves the cam2pc.albums file from "c:\program files\cam2pc" to the common local application settings : "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\nabocorp\cam2pc". By moving back the cam2pc.albums file, it should be available in cam2pc 4.5.

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Initial install of 4.6 Freeware crashes

Postby JayBrook » Tue Mar 13, 2007 9:31 am

Other programs install and work fine, but cam2pc won't even start up on my Windows XP Home PC. It tries to but then comes up with a "debug" OK CANCEL screen. If you haven't seen this before, I can cut/paste the error information from the crash/shutdown dialog and give it to you.

On the other hand, I tried installing it at work on XP Pro, and it works.


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Postby ScottK » Sun Apr 01, 2007 11:34 pm

Add me to the list of those for whom this update crashes. :(

After the update, when I load the main program (the browser), if/when I browse to a folder with pictures, a varying number of thumbnails will get generated (probably 6-8 average, but one folder gets as many as about 15) and then the whole app simply disappears. Initially, I thought it might have something to do with RAW files, but I tried folders with no RAW files, and get the same results.

The preview function works fine - I can right click on a picture in Windows Explorer, select preview, and pictures show in the slideshow mode, even RAW images, and even images at which the browser crashes. I can't tell for certain if the browser crashes on the same image for a give folder each time, but it APPEARS that this is the case (i.e. if it crashes when it reaches the 10th picture in the folder, it appears to always crash at the 10th picture in that folder - but in another folder, it might happen at the 5th, and in another at the 15th).

I am viewing pictures from three different cameras, all Canon models, from a lowly A40 to a 350D. It exhibits the same behavior on folders of pictures for all three models.

I'm running Windows XP Professional with SP2. I checked the event logs, and there's nothing there to indicate the crash.

Guess I'll roll back and see what happens. I really hope this isn't going to turn into another long, silent spell. But the lack of response for the last two weeks doesn't seem encouraging. For those of us who have paid you money for this product, the level of support is pretty darn unsatisfactory. :x
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