I am interested in using cam2pc with a subnotebook computer to copy photos from CF/Smartmedia cards into unique directories. I'm not currently interested in having cam2pc doing anything to the images except copy them. The purpose here is to use the subnotebook as field storage of the digital photos.
The cards appear as drive F: on the machine and are fully browsable by windows explorer. But when I try to fire off the copy in cam2pc, I get a message like "error getting list of files". This happens with both the Canon CF and Olympus SM cards. Both cameras store their pictures in a "DCIM" directory, so everything should be fine there.
If it matters, I generally shoot in RAW mode on the Canon and TIFF mode on the Olympus. Cam2pc shouldn't really care since it's not doing any image processing, right?
Any idea what's going on?