4.5.2 cpu usage problem

the software that eases your everyday life with your digital pictures

4.5.2 cpu usage problem

Postby Biite » Wed Mar 30, 2005 4:37 pm

Hi everybody,

I'm using the registered version of cam2pc 4.5.2. en during startup it uses about 98 % cpu. Also memory usage rises to about 40 MB.
Is this normal behaviour? I tried shutting down my virusscanner to see if it makes a difference. Also tried to disable previews but that also did not help.

If anybody's got a solution tell me please :D
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Postby nabocorp » Thu Mar 31, 2005 1:17 pm


what do you mean by "during startup"? When cam2pc starts up? If this is the case then this is not issue: cam2pc has to do a lot things to initialize itself and it is normal that it eats up a lot of CPU. As for the memory usage it goes for the same thing except that the memory usage is more important if you browse a folder with a lot of images.

Can't see any real issue here. Did I miss something?

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Postby Biite » Thu Mar 31, 2005 7:17 pm

nabocorp wrote:what do you mean by "during startup"? When cam2pc starts up? If this is the case then this is not issue: cam2pc has to do a lot things to initialize itself and it is normal that it eats up a lot of CPU. As for the memory usage it goes for the same thing except that the memory usage is more important if you browse a folder with a lot of images.

It does so when cap2pc starts up. Startup screen takes about 10 seconds to disappear and the GUI to appear. GUI works snappy when started, although cpu usage is still high (for about another 30 seconds). After that CPU usage drops to 'normal'.
Memory usage is still about 40 MB.

Can't see any real issue here. Did I miss something?

It's no issue, cam2pc works like a charm! But it seemed 'abnormal' to me as the cpu usage is very high for like 40 to 60 seconds !

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Postby nabocorp » Fri Apr 01, 2005 7:18 pm

Hum 40 or 60 seconds is very long. Do you have a lot of thumbnails in your database?

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Postby Biite » Sat Apr 02, 2005 3:52 pm

Not much, as I am just getting used to working with cam2pc. About 2000 thumbnails after optimizing.
Optimizing reduced the cpu usage to about 30 seconds.
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